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News & Impact
Inside the Programme

Inside the Scholarship experience

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

An ever-widening circle

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Reconciliation as an ACT of LOVE

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Entrepreneurship Workshop: Kholisani's journey

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Entrepreneurship Workshop: The Journey to Madiba

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Where personal growth met collective healing, and where unity thrived amidst diversity.

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Reconciling the past, the present and the future: Accepting the complex parcels

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Leadership Workshop: A moment for pause

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Leadership Workshop: Finding family

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

9 Steps to a good MRF application

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Vulnerability is not the same as weakness: on the benefits of opening up

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Courage is the quality that takes leaders from words to deed

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

My idea of courageous leadership

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

A year of deep learning and unlearning

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Leadership Workshop: Building wholesome connections

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Learning Journey: Age of Walls: Occupying my Home in Another Country

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Learning Journey Reflection: Seeking of neutral and holistic knowledge

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Q&A with Engineer and Entrepreneur Nyasha Mashanda

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Travelling inwards: the journey to service

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

A fractal finds its home: becoming part of the solution

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Choosing how we show up: from receiving learning to co-creating it

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

The stretch effect: relearning the inherent value of being human

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Leadership Workshop: Highest hope for 2021

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Leadership workshop: championing change

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Leadership workshop: expectations vs reality

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Completion Workshops: The value of an open mind

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Completion Workshop: Embracing Complexity

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Completion Workshop: My changing definition of success

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Mid-year Workshop Reflection: My unreconciled ideas on reconciliation

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Mid-year Workshop Reflection: Learning to love my shadow

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Mid-year Workshop Reflection: Becoming the seeds of change

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Mid-year Workshop Reflection: The Journey to Reconciling the Self

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

The truth about imposter syndrome: reflections on the 2020 Leadership Workshop

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

My Mandela Rhodes Experience in the Class of 2019

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Like a stone in the quarry: the leadership journey begins

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

MRF launches first-ever Second Year Programme

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

From individual ideas to scalable impact: leadership lessons with Grace Matlhape

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Necessity, the Mother of Invention: Lessons on the importance of Entrepreneurship

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

WATCH: Scholars reflect on entrepreneurship workshop

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

WATCH: Scholars reflect on reconciliation workshop

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

Reflections on Reconciliation

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

WATCH: Scholars reflect on leadership workshop

Inside the Programme

Inside the Programme

WATCH: Scholar experiences

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