The Scholarship
The Scholars
Kershan Pancham
South Africa & AFDA, 2009 Kershan graduated his MPhil in Critical Diversity Studies at UCT with distinction. His thesis was entitled: Cant I just speak? It's my life, nobody elses. Renouncing some myths about South African family practices: Critical interpretations of child-parent narratives of Indian-Durban orientation His current projects at UCT are his PhD in African Studies, Re-centring AfroAsia: Histories and migrations 7-15th century. As an AW Mellow Scholar. he is working on a Pre-Colonial Catalytic Project and he is Head of the Ethics working group. Kershan has been working on a consulting, research and change management programme design at Ernst and Young Advisory Services, Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator, Wits Centre for Diversity Studies, Centre for Higher Education Development (UCT) and Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching (UCT), Commonwealth of Learning, South African BRICS Think Tank ('Knowledge and Information Sharing' cluster).