The Scholarship
The Scholars
Leticia Taimo
Mozambique & University of Cape Town, 2013 Awarded the Mandela Rhodes Scholarship in 2013 and the Commonwealth Scholarship in 2014 as recognition of my commitment to social change in the African continent. I have been involved in a number of social development projects from a variety of stakeholders (private sector, NGOs, government) in various areas including education and health. Over the past 5 years I have worked specifically in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). Knowledge of African politics and economics and experience in research, policy analysis and report writing for academia and international development organisations in Africa. Interested in policy analysis in the international development sector, specifically related to political economy issues related to education, poverty reduction, inclusive growth, inequality and social protection to ensure secure livelihoods. Also interested in the work of international organisations and think tanks that work with advocacy and policy formulation in these areas. Looking to engage with different stakeholders that can make a contribution to development: NGOs, government, private sector, civil society, etc.