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The Scholars

Simon Lowry

South Africa & University of the Witwatersrand, 2025

Simon holds an undergraduate degree in Astrophysics and Mathematics from the University of Oklahoma, USA.  He is currently reading for his PhD in Astronomy at Wits University in Johannesburg, using data collected by South Africa’s very own MeerKAT telescope in the Karoo to study surveys of hundreds and thousands of giant radio galaxies.

Born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa, Simon hopes to one day use his talents in research to enhance the standing of South African astronomy worldwide.

When he is not writing Python code and staring at pictures of radio galaxies, Simon leads the Vicarious Voyagers Program as one of two Program Coordinators. A program that funds high school students to travel to a foreign country for a week of community service. Students learn the value of travelling abroad and gain insights into a range of different perspectives on issues of global significance.

Simon has been involved in the program for 5 years and has absolutely loved the opportunity to hone his leadership skills while seeing the beauty of the world.

DecorationSimon Lowry

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